
about me

who is this chucklefuck anyway?

that's a really good question. i'm a person content to drift through her entire internet life doing Not Much In Particular.
i take up residence in a fandom or two, fill up some sort of feed (whether it be a livejournal following page, a tumblr dashboard, or a twitter feed) and sit back to watch the shiny pictures and interesting words flow in.
i've made my few small contributions to my fandoms and i've made a lot of great friends.

so why a website?

*shrug* why not?
in all seriousness... the speed of social media is exhausting, and now with twitter imploding at the hands of an egotistical manbaby billionaire it's getting increasingly frustrating to see how our entire online presence and web of connections only exist at the whims of a handful of obscenely wealthy techbro fucks. why not carve out a tiny corner of the internet just for my shit? sure, neocities could go bust just like any other corporation, but at least i don't have to sit there and watch the muskrat's 4th midlife crisis unfold in real time while it happens.